<![CDATA[My journey to a new Source Control Repository technology mastery is well under way.  Recently I've made the leap from Team Foundation Source Control to Git.  The move comes after much consideration on my part.  Why change?  Doesn't Team Foundation Server do pretty much the same as Git?  Is it really worth the upheaval to change everything over to a Git repository?
I struggled with all of these questions.  Eventually I was won over by the undeniably huge acceptance of Git in both the open source and private development communities, the branching flexibility of Git, and the just downright speediness Git.
Oh…  And the resilience the Git model has due to its completely distributed nature.
To get started (heh heh!) I worked through the tutorials at Git Tutorials where their claim is that if you have fifteen minutes and want to learn Git they've got your back.  So after that I was pretty well convinced that Git had what I needed but I wanted to learn more.
So I went searching on Amazon.com.  A search for Git Source Control yielded an impressive list of resources.  However, the third item on the list, Pro Git, intrigued me.  Four and a half stars with over ninety customer reviews is nothing to sneeze at.  And!  It was available for Kindle for $0.00!  Now if that's not a sign that this was the book for me then nothing is.
I read through the book, working through the examples as I went.  It has a distinctly Linux leaning approach but it wasn't too awfully difficult to translate to my home turf of Windows.  Having powered through in a matter of about eight hours I felt confident to take on some real world Git challenges so I started in on converting my TFS repositories to Git.
And that's where the real fun started.  Visual Studio gives some front end integration to Git but being the command prompt junky that I am I found myself shelling out time and time again to do what I wanted to do.  That suits me just fine.  I'm trying to jump through some extra high hoops some of which may or may not be on fire because I'm administering the whole source control shooting match.
For my user community though Visual Studio should suit their needs quite well.  Check-out, branch, modify, commit and push code to the server repository makes up 99.999% of what they will be doing.  They're all set.
Now…  How do I get eight years of source code out of an existing repository and imported into Git?
Stay tuned for further adventures in the land of Git.]]>