In Laser News...

Well Hello There!

I'm Nat. 

I've been intrigued by lasers since I first watched Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back in the theater when I was five years old. 

At the age of eleven, I wrote my very first research paper for my sixth grade English class. The topic… “Lasers, what are they good for?” 

Nearly four decades later I've acquired my first industrial grade laser to imagine, build, and explore what's possible with what is now accessible and affordable in the consumer laser market. 

My Laser Diaries will bring you along as I learn what's possible, what works and what doesn't, and what's fun. I'll be making tutorials, providing opinions, delivering reviews, and most important enjoying myself. I hope you will learn and grow your Lasering skills as you join me. 

Also, If you've got knowledge to share, I'm more than happy to learn from you as well. I'll never stop learning and I'm not foolish enough to think I know it all. 

Check out my social links to see daily Laser content and subscribe to my newsletter to get all of my content delivered right to your inbox.




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